
Houses 1

Orono Remodel Breathes New Life into Forever Home

Orono walkout rambler full remodel creates light-filled spaces, amazing connection to outdoors, and one-level living opportunity for creative empty nesters.

Linden Hills Interior Renovations Create Stunning Living Spaces

Renovation of Medina 2-story. New kitchen island with classic farm style sink, marble countertops and commercial appliances. New mudroom and laundry.

Edina Interlachen Home Given Lifeline Through Remodel

Full Remodel Breaths New Life into Walk-Out Rambler
Interlachen Edina home remodel exterior

Edina Home Interior and Exterior Remodel Featured in Artisan Home Tour

Complete renovation of mid-century, 2-story, walk-out in Edina; all interiors and exterior finishes re-done to add historic charm.
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